This picture is only here to make this post prettier. Now, to the point.
(Mainly because I wanted to post some outfit pictures and selcas,) I decided to do a post about how my style has changed over the years. But apparently I got the pictures totally mixed (thought some 2012 pictures were from 2011), so no pictures before 2012 for you then! It's possibly much better this way.
In 2012 I started the journey to figure out what my actual style is. For a while in 2011 I had wanted to be a lolita because of some of my new gorgeous friends, but I fortunately realized it wasn't for me. However, because of that I became way more girly than I had been in upper comprehensive school. I started wearing skirts and jewelry, woah! For a while I went back to a more laid-back, simple style, but still managed to look kinda cool. My absolute favourite piece of clothing was the dark red chiffon shirt in picture three.

2013 was a great year! My self-esteem was really good, so I made the effort to look good and because of that my self-esteem was good, what a vicious circle. I think I looked good in everything in 2013? And look at all the great hairdos I've had! I would take any of these haircolours back right now. My favourite clothes are not hard to guess. (But if you don't get it, at least it's the space pants.) Back then I also blogged a lot so I really concentrated on looking good and I took and posted way more outfit pictures than ever.

I think compared to 2013 I backfired a bit in 2014. I didn't have as much time or motivation to dress nicely. It can't be seen from the pictures because of course, you don't take pictures if you think you look dull, But these are almost all outfit pictures I have from last year. There was waay more leftover material from 2013. The clothes I wore to school etc were really miscellaneous, I was just kinda trying everything. But like that I feel like I've learned what looks good on me. Maybe. We'll see...
I really hope I can find the motivation again this year and actually look cute! I'm going to force myself to take outfit pictures, if that's what it takes! (*•̀A•́*)و ̑̑
Sayonara, folks.